6 half-days Childcare
From Sunday to Friday
From 9:00am to 12:00pm 
Mtg. Station Center
Without lunch: 155€
With lunch: 297€
6 half-days Childcare
From Sunday to Friday
From 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Mtg. Station Center
Without lunch: 155€
With lunch: 297€
6 days Childcare
Morning and Afternoon
From Sunday to Friday
From 9:00am to 12:00pm and 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Mtg. Station Center
Without lunch: 272€
With lunch: 414€

Our answers to all your questions

What activities are offered during childcare? 
Depending on the weather conditions, our specially trained activity leaders will entertain the children with outdoor activities (sledging, games in the snow, etc.) or indoor activities (drawing, reading, watching videos)
How should I dress my child?
If the activities take place in the open air, it is important to bring the necessary equipment to protect your child: waterproof clothing, sun cream, anorak, mittens, glasses, tissues, etc.
Should I bring an afternoon snack for my child?
No, the afternoon snack is provided. However, in case of food allergies, please provide the collation.
Will my child nap? 
We have a room set aside for naps but napping is not part of the activity programme. Please check directly with the childcare manager if no outings are planned.